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Certificate in Education (CertEd)

This undergraduate Level 5 course is designed for those that do not have a university degree or equivalent (e.g. fATPL/ATPL).


In addition to Level 3 qualifications (A-Levels, BTEC or equivalent), applicants should:

• Have either a HNC, CGLI Advanced, Level 3/4 qualification, or recognised professional qualification (e.g. ATPL written exams)

• Be able to demonstrate appropriate experience in the area they wish to teach

• Be able to communicate in standard spoken and written English.


Professional Graduate Certificate in Education: PGCE

Postgraduate Certificate in Education: PGCE(M)

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Advanced PGCE): PgDipE


These three courses are designed for those who have either already completed a degree, or have an equivalent qualification. For qualified commercial pilots, the fATPL/ATPL is considered the equivalent of an undergraduate (Level 6) degree, so such individuals are encouraged to apply.

What are these qualifications?

The Professional Graduate Certificate in Education is an undergraduate honours-level qualification.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education – PGCE (M) – includes 60 credits (half of the course) at Masters Level.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Advanced PGCE) – PgDipE – is entirely Masters Level and includes research assignments, designed to develop the field of teaching and learning. You can choose to specialise in aviation education and it is expected that many aviation-related professionals will use this research to investigate the effect of educational practice on aviation outcomes, such as safety, efficiency and efficacy.


All three of these courses are co-taught with the CertEd, but with differentiated assignments, appropriate to the qualification level.


Those engaged in masters-level research have the potential to contribute to the future of educational research in the aviation sector.


Entry Requirements for the PGCE, PGCE (M) or PgDipE:

• UK degree (normally 2:2 or above) or equivalent (such as fATPL/ATPL) related to your specialist area

• Relevant experience in some specialist subject area

There are entry routes available for you, whether or not you have a degree.


You can apply to the CertEd course directly from the ATPL exams, or the other courses after you have completed the fATPL. The Aeros Group and the University of Huddersfield seek and encourage applications from under-represented groups in order to widen participation, improve access, and apply the principles of equal opportunities.


Applicants with disabilities are under no obligation to declare their disabilities, but we are committed to making the adjustments necessary to positively promote equality and access for disabled applicants. Applicants are encouraged to identify any special arrangements they may require.

Huddersfield University and the Aeros Group welcome applications from those who have significant work or life experience, or from existing aviation instructors. Mature students may not necessarily need to meet the published academic requirements for their chosen course. As an applicant without traditional entry qualifications, you will be required to demonstrate evidence of your motivation, potential, knowledge and ability to study the course of your choice, and the University and the Aeros Group must be satisfied that your work or life experience is equivalent to the qualifications that other applicants will be studying.

​Entry Criteria - Do I need a Degree?

Do I need a degree?

There are entry routes available for you, whether or not you have a degree.


You can apply to the CertEd course directly from the ATPL exams, or the other courses after you have completed the fATPL. The Aeros Group and the University of Huddersfield seek and encourage applications from under-represented groups in order to widen participation, improve access, and apply the principles of equal opportunities.


Applicants with disabilities are under no obligation to declare their disabilities, but we are committed to making the adjustments necessary to positively promote equality and access for disabled applicants. Applicants are encouraged to identify any special arrangements they may require.

Huddersfield University and the Aeros Group welcome applications from those who have significant work or life experience, or from existing aviation instructors. Mature students may not necessarily need to meet the published academic requirements for their chosen course. As an applicant without traditional entry qualifications, you will be required to demonstrate evidence of your motivation, potential, knowledge and ability to study the course of your choice, and the University and the Aeros Group must be satisfied that your work or life experience is equivalent to the qualifications that other applicants will be studying.

Certificate in Education (CertEd)

This undergraduate Level 5 course is designed for those that do not have a university degree or equivalent (e.g. fATPL/ATPL).


In addition to Level 3 qualifications (A-Levels, BTEC or equivalent), applicants should:

• Have either a HNC, CGLI Advanced, Level 3/4 qualification, or recognised professional qualification (e.g. ATPL written exams)

• Be able to demonstrate appropriate experience in the area they wish to teach

• Be able to communicate in standard spoken and written English.


Professional Graduate Certificate in Education: PGCE

Postgraduate Certificate in Education: PGCE(M)

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Advanced PGCE): PgDipE


These three courses are designed for those who have either already completed a degree, or have an equivalent qualification. For qualified commercial pilots, the fATPL/ATPL is considered the equivalent of an undergraduate (Level 6) degree, so such individuals are encouraged to apply.

What are these qualifications?

The Professional Graduate Certificate in Education is an undergraduate honours-level qualification.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education – PGCE (M) – includes 60 credits (half of the course) at Masters Level.

The Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Advanced PGCE) – PgDipE – is entirely Masters Level and includes research assignments, designed to develop the field of teaching and learning. You can choose to specialise in aviation education and it is expected that many aviation-related professionals will use this research to investigate the effect of educational practice on aviation outcomes, such as safety, efficiency and efficacy.


All three of these courses are co-taught with the CertEd, but with differentiated assignments, appropriate to the qualification level.


Those engaged in masters-level research have the potential to contribute to the future of educational research in the aviation sector.


Entry Requirements for the PGCE, PGCE (M) or PgDipE:

• UK degree (normally 2:2 or above) or equivalent (such as fATPL/ATPL) related to your specialist area

• Relevant experience in some specialist subject area


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